Jun 27, 2012

Kereta dan Kutoarjo, Kartosuro, Solo....

Jadi minggu ini saya lagi ada di dalam salah satu fase hidup paling cranky; idup berasa plain banget dan untung saya punya pacar paling baik dan pengertian, dia langsung ajak saya naek kereta ke Kutoarjo buat wisata kuliner. Random banget tapi gapapa deh main ke suburban, biasanya disitu lebih menarik.

Kita rencananya berangkat dari Lempuyangan jam 6.40 -pacar liat jadwalnya di koran. Nah kata orang Indonesia kalo ga ngaret/buru-buru kan ga kece, kita sampe stasiun jam 6.35an, pas beli tiket orangnya bengong.... ternyata kita ketinggalan kereta. Kereta uda berangkat jam 6.30. Bingung, ini masi di Indo kan? Kok kecepeten gini? But anywayyyyys walaupun pacar sempat agak bete karena acara berantakan dan the next train itu jam 1 siang, kita langsung ubah tujuan kita ganti ke Solo. Kita jalan kaki di sekitar stasiun sarapan soto dulu di pasar lalu cuss beli tiket Manja AC (Madiun Jaya AC, ini serius ga boong) untuk jam 9.

Yeeyy walaupun naik dengan ga percuma, kereta api tut tut tut pun berangkat...

TAPI TERNYATA! Di Solo kita salah naik bis. Niatnya mau ke Pasar Gede ke toko kain eh busnya ke arah Kartosuro, and there we go, kita terdampar. Akhirnya kita jalan ga jelas, but hey we had fun! Sightseeing everywhere karena Kartosuro toko-tokonya masi yang jadul-jadul gitu lucuuuuuuk

jamaah haji

So walaupun ini jalan-jalan sangat ga ada tujuan, tapi justru seru because we don't know where we are, where to go, and even how to go home.

You guys should try one, too! :D

Jun 21, 2012

A Jar Of Hearts

berjudul 'Things I Love About You'
33 gulungan kertas,

untuk dia :)

mungkin saya membutuhkan satu galon besar untuk gulungan kertas yang akan datang.
ribuan hari nanti.

because you are just being you. And that's all matter.
I love you.

Jun 11, 2012

The Story of Dimky The Cat

Hello, my name is Dimky The Cat!

I was once a stray cat but now I have human step mom and step dad. I call them Mommy Pinky and Daddy Dimsky. Mommy likes to swing me around on the air and daddy always tickles my tummy.
I like to climb to mom's breast and sometimes daddy gets jealous of that. I don't get why :(

I love cakes, fried chicken, fish, and tempe. Mommy has the obsession of making me fat so she gives me an awful lot of delicious food. Nyum nyum.

Oh and I rrrreally hate water! I'll run like a crazy cat if mommy starts to pour me with water. Poor me.
I also love scratching mommy's house carpet until it gets to the sound "kkkrtttthh kkkkkrrrrtthhhhh"

So, do you like me? :3

Mioooooow ~

Jun 9, 2012

Sewing Picnic #1

The title tells much. Yup, I was going for a sewing picnic in Kaliurang with Lir teams and Hello Bleu. It was a picnic, with sewing, a thing that I'm really bad at -the sewing, not the picnic one. 

We had a sleepover at Mbak Mira's hotel on the slope of Merapi with a hill behind, and I may add a free sight to Jogja's view from the rooftop. Prettily beautiful. Stunningly amazing.

the hotel

pardon my big leg, but I just can't help the photo's perspective

The rooftop. It will be a lot more beautiful -and romantic at night

A walk to the picnic place -Mbak Mira's secret garden, a kilometer away from the hotel


the girls
me, trying to be cool and looking like a sewing expert -which I fail so bad

we were making a flower like the one on the left, and there are the my badly made petals on the right

yum, yeah? :9

the cute souvenirs from Hello Bleu :)

and ta-da, the flowers! mine is the right one. not that bad, aye? :p
boyfriend, Shadow, and me

riding on the back of pick-up car on the way back to hotel
I was on the back corner of the car. wasn't on the picture before, sad ~

So it was the girliest picnic I've ever been to. I think I become more and more girly ever since I started working in Lir. It is not a problem tho, but sometimes it just feels strange.

I spent most of the time playing with Shadow -the siberian husky rather than sewing the flower. Told ya I'm so bad on that I even hurt my own fingers by the needles. Thank goodness my boyfriend likes to sew so he did most of the job :p

I really hope Hello Bleu is making the Sewing Picnic #2 soon so you guys could come and join us. It is so cute you just can't skip it. See ya on the next post! :)

Photos by Dimaz Maulana and Dito Yuwono

Jun 3, 2012

The Pine Forest --A Little Getaway Trip

So I went to a pine forest in the town with boyfriend last week. It was a quick getaway trip before he left for a week. Lol I know I'm really cheesy but hey, that's what you do when you are in love.
You get attached :)

It was quiet breezing since the forest is located on a hill. If you ever watched Modus Anomali then the filming location was totally like this. I can't imagine if I were the actor and getting lost in this kinda forest at night since it is scary already at day.

All the pictures are taken by boyfriend -I've been lazy bringing my DSLR around. I brought one of my analog camera but the films haven't developed yet. Well I hope it will turn out good.

I like the idea of one-day trip to somewhere in town that we haven't found out that those places are actually amazing. I think we will do a lot more little trips soon before he leaves me out of town (again) for 2 months. So, ta-da!