I once said that I would never climb a mountain. That was my last year's statement to some friends, but hey look now, I'm starting to fall in love with the idea of climbing, climbing till I want to faint and to finally reach the beautiful view on top.
This plan was started so sudden; a friend asked me to join his idea of hiking Mt. Prau in Dieng, going with the same group of friends on my last trip in Banyuwangi. That was H-7, I was facing my exams and I was so panic and scared since I haven't done any exercises, and if I would also collapse once more. However later on it turned out that I was coming out better than my last hiking to Mt. Ijen. Perhaps I have prepared myself more, or maybe I have already expected the worst case of the exploration, or even perhaps myself was healthier compared with the Ijen one.
It takes around 3.5 hours to get to the top with more rocky and difficult tracks. Started at 11 PM after the rain, the track was really slippery. There were so many climbers as well so it made the trip less dangerous. First thing I learned about climbers' culture is that, you suddenly become so friendly that every time we pass some climbers, we say hello and excuse me, and maybe a bit of chit chat. We arrived on the camping area at 2.30 AM and so shocked that there were sooooo many people. That erased my worries tho, since I was afraid if I was the one who left awake when everyone was sleeping. Such a bummer I am.
The view from our tent before the sunrise |
Kayak di Iceland (yha mb) |
And this is the way to our tempat pipis (I mean semak-semak):
That one little lake on the centre is Telaga Warna |
Biasanya liat kayak gini dari jendela pesawat... |
Boys will always be boys... |
Heading back:
Waktu turun stress liat track ternyata susah banget...... untung waktu naik gelap jadi ga down duluan :')
So now, I guess I have made up my mind that instead of only exploring the world from the ground, I should also going up to the sky. If you can dream it, you can do it. If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.
So see you all again on top!
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