Gotta feed the animal farms |
These friends of mine in Batu Secret Zoo make me think. Would they be happier if they live in nature?
At first I thought it was pretty horrible to see those sad faces. They live inside the cages forever. Ruang gerak mungkin cuman 3-7 meter lebarnya. Tapi, to remember kalo mereka dilepas di alam liar juga terancam sama manusia-manusia tolol yang merasa dirinya superior, mungkin tinggal di dalam kebun binatang adalah pilihan terbaik.
Sometimes I just don't get why humans, who state that they are the only living thing that have brain –means they are the smartest, are the ones with the worst common sense toward other living things.
Look who's greedy all over. Humans. Singa ataupun macan; mereka buas, mereka makan hewan lain. But that's for survival. Juga untuk menjaga rantai makanan. Kadang masih ga ngerti juga ketika orang ngatain temennya, "kamu monyet!". Kalo monyet tau, pasti ogah mereka disamakan sama makhluk rakus keberatan otak. Look whos' evil here.
Di Supernova: Partikel ditulis, manusia sharing gen sama orangutan sekitar 97%, dan hanya dengan perbedaan 3% itu, manusia bisa menjadi makhluk buas yang sangat jahat. Manusia lupa kalo mereka dan makhluk Tuhan lainnya sharing genes. Kita sama. Jadi, dengan mereka menyakiti hewan dan tumbuhan, hey, mereka menyakiti kawan mereka sendiri. Kapan manusia bisa ingat sama asalnya?
From now on, please do start see them through their eyes. Don't call them animal, call them a living thing. Our friends. Our brothers and sisters.
Jangan sombong.